Yellowjackets 2016 season report
2016 was a season of ups and downs - snow one week and grass the next! Yellowjackets coaches spent far too much of the winter checking the weather forecast and looking for alternative dryland activities. After two weeks of dryland we were literally jumping for joy to be on snow. We had 3 on-snow sessions at Laurel Ridge and 3 dryland sessions, which were a mix of hiking, games, rollerskiing, indoor mountain biking and more hiking.
Overall, the season left us with a mixture of achievements and frustration. Our young athletes were doing really well. Some of the older kids managed to log over 50km total (skiing or dryland equivalent) and one of the youngest beginners logged 24km. We were hoping to teach a few more of the kids to skate, but didn't get a chance. Almost all the local races were cancelled, but our two skiers who were able to go to the Wildcat Dash brought home prizes. 2006 was the least snowy winter for years - next season has to be better. We cannot wait to be back on snow.